"But God said to Jonah, “You have been concerned about this vine...But Nineveh has more than one hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left... Should I not be concerned about that great city?” Jonah 4:10&11.
Jonah received the message from God to warn Nineveh (across from modern day Mosul, Iraq) of impending judgement. They were Israel’s worst enemies and terrorists of the day. Jonah ran away and set sail in the opposite direction. In the midst of a vicious storm each sailor desperately started calling on his own god. Jonah said, “It’s my fault, throw me overboard.” Mercifully God sent a whale to swallow Jonah whole! Inside the belly, he made things right with God. After 3 days and 3 nights the whale puked him back on shore. Now Jonah was ready to deliver the message--“In forty days Nineveh will be destroyed.” But the king did a 180, Nineveh repented and turned from their wicked ways. God had compassion on them and gave them a 2nd chance. Jonah was furious at God. “I knew it. You would relent and not destroy them.” Zero compassion. He sulked. God lectured him “You are concerned about the vine…but not about these people?”
I often receive emails listing evil things Muslims have done. The ones that go around the world and are accepted as gospel truth. Its like, “Ed, don’t you get it?” Unfortunately they create fear and dislike of Muslims and result in reluctance to befriend them. These messages do nothing to encourage compassion and love.
Nasser and his mother and siblings had to flee to a nearby country where corruption was common. Eventually they landed in Canada when he was a teenager. He had no male role model showing him what was right or wrong. After high school, he got his learner’s license but failed the road test several times. In frigid winter weather his family depended on him to take them shopping and to appointments. I recently reconnected with Nasser. He nervously begged me to accompany him to court because he got caught for driving with only a learner's license and for speeding. He knew he was in deeeeep trouble. I picked him up and waited for his turn. The magistrate peered at him and explained these were very serious offences. Nasser lamely explained that he hadn't gotten around to retaking the test but planned to do so asap. The magistrate was quiet for a moment and then graciously reduced his substantial fines to half and offered him to pay in monthly payments. Nasser was so relieved. The magistrate showed him mercy that he didn't deserve. I was able to come alongside this young man and help in a small way. Doesn't your heart go out to him?
Many refugees who come here have been in survival mode for a long time. Many fled war or corrupt regimes and injustices of every kind. They come not used to rules. Some, like Nasser, need gentle reminders of what is right and wrong. I'm not a policeman or an investigator but a representative of Jesus. I want Nasser to know Jesus and experience his compassion.
Make it ever true
Melt my heart, O God
May I be like you.