Sunday, November 29, 2020


"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with every-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18.

In the preceding verses we see Moses' face shining with God's goodness and character after his encounter on Mount Sinai. It was so intense the people couldn't take it. This leads to this amazing verse and the following chapter where we read about being jars of clay where God's glory shines through.

So this is our job description...potentially all Christians' ministry--to reflect the Lord's glory. Some of our brothers and sisters are equipped and led to an intense polemic or apologetic ministry. Most others thrive in a more irenic approach. Which is better? The Apostle Paul has both. He defends the faith so effectively that he is beaten up, imprisoned, stoned and shut up. He was often like the prophet Jeremiah who delivered God's messages verbatim and people couldn't stand it. And yet Paul too had limitations and weaknesses. Paul recognizes that he is that clay pot he describes where the light of Jesus shines through his own humanness--like cracks in the pot. 

For the most part we are one or the other. We are social creatures and thus we strive to be at peace with people. We are comfortable with representing our Lord quietly yet intentionally. Some are more blunt in their communication than others and they pay for it. For starters, we're certainly not out to win a popularity contest by representing the Good News.

So, we are pretty much in the middle of a pandemic with effective vaccines on the horizon. But for now most of the time the wise thing to do is to follow health officials directives. Meaning we spend more time ministering virtually than face to face. When it's about relationships, that isn't so hard to do. But for Christians used to the polemical approach, this probably won't work so well. For the most part Muslims like to know that we care for them...for their physical and mental well being. So, it still gives me many opportunities to hear out the concerns of my Muslim and believer friends and either pray with them virtually or assure them of my prayer.

I've put some of the neatly crafted outreach tools on the back burner as I find myself strengthening my relationships with individual Muslims. This is not so bad because they still get a reading of me--a Jesus follower. For example, before the pandemic turned more severe I met face to face with a few Arab friends who are asylum seekers. They had been burnt with religion and when asked whether they are Muslims they replied--"our parents said we were". So that gave me insight into my approach to them. Now I seek to reflect God's glory to them.

At any rate, the most effective witness(or reflection) is when our faith is fleshed out in life's experiences. These reflect God's glory when we speak of the time we were in need, prayed and received an answer to prayer. Or just simply speaking of experiencing the Holy Spirit's presence. These are irrefutable proofs that following Jesus is very fulfilling. 

Dear God. I want to be a good reflector of you. Transform me to more like you as I meet with you through your word, worship and prayer. Amen.