Sunday, October 4, 2020

Let's Go

"Let's go at once to take the land...We can certainly conquer it!" Joshua in Numbers 13:30

The Jews had finally come to the end of their wilderness wanderings. The original adults had all passed away and now a young crowd was waiting for instructions from their new leader Joshua. When Moses was still alive, he and Joshua sent a group of 12 scouts to explore Canaan to assess what kind of land and people they were going to. Only 2 of the twelve were optimistic and encouraged moving forward to enter the land God had directed them to. Those who were scared spitless rebelled and said we don't want to expose our children to the hostile environment. The Lord's blessing was on the remaining people who crossed over the Jordan behind the Ark of the Covenant and Joshua, their fearless leader.

So, we've been isolating from people for 7 months now. We are no longer in lock-down but rather under 'orange alert'--meaning we are required to wear masks for inside public spaces except when eating and drinking and are encouraged to continue social distancing. Churches have been forced to follow the government's strict guidelines for assembling. No more walk-ins for those who are seeking. The pandemic's effect rages on--hitting the most vulnerable but also sidelining those infected. Many people including Muslims are scared of contracting covid. Others don't really care and go about life as before. So what to do? God has called us to minister to a least reached people group in the West--the Muslims.

So the lesson for us is not to stay in the parking lot but to follow Joshua's instructions "Let's go..."The first thing we have to do is be creative. Pray for open doors in whatever form they come--virtual or in person. Back in April we started to connect with many of our past Muslim contacts via Zoom or WhatApp. A friend from Egypt down in Southern USA was awed that he had been thinking of me the day before I emailed. Even though they are a conservative Muslim family--the response has been very welcoming and even prayer in Jesus name has been appreciated. Likewise many of our contacts elsewhere have been warm and touched. What can they turn to?

Believers feel isolated. Some are weary of the church or fellowship groups going virtual. They need face to face fellowship. So, we have increased visits in our home as the weather closes in on us. Before we'd meet in the driveway or yard. For some, it has worked fairly well to meet in a quiet corner of a food court. Most of what we do is connected to relationships we've cultivated over the years but there are also new contacts--divine appointments. I'm still following up the contacts made more than a month ago during Eid day when a group of Sudanese Muslims were strolling in the English Gardens. I greeted them from a safe distance and sensed the 'felt needs' they had regarding English. 

One of the divine appointments happened in a popular place to hang out in our city. A very prominent man who explored the roots of his sect of Islam indicated he was on a new trajectory. He saw there were huge problems with how the sect started. Now he claims allegiance to Christianity. I'm waiting for an opportunity to meet with him to explore where he is at on his journey and perhaps offer 'I Dared to Call Him Father' by Bilquis Sheikh.

Lord, I want to move forward like Joshua to contact the 'parish' of Muslim friends and believers you have called me to. I know you are able and can do more than I could ever imagine as demonstrated by our Muslim seeker friend who left his sect of Islam. Praise your name!