Monday, June 15, 2020

Discovery Tools

"In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son..." Hebrews 1:1&2a

I love tools. When it comes to 'tools' for evangelism and discipleship, the western church has a variety to choose from.

Discovery Bible Studies(click) How much better can it get than actually studying the Bible? The format can be used by anyone who can read. The focus is on finding a "person of peace"--someone who has some spiritual interest, is hospitable and willing to invite his friends in for a Bible study. New study cells can grow out of this group.

The suggested template is to divide a piece of paper into 3 columns. The first column focuses on a particular portion of scripture and 'what does it say', the 2nd on retelling the story in your own words and 'what does it mean' and the third, the application and 'what will I do about it'.

A similar approach with an audio track for many passages and study questions can be found in the Discover the Bible series(click). An expanded version is

Al Massira(click) is a well-done course that consists of 12 Video lessons. It's filmed in the Middle East, often at the original biblical sites and takes the viewer chronologically through the Bible. The script and the acting were mostly done by Mbb's. The soap opera style with humor resonate well with Arab people. The suggested plan is for a group to have dinner followed by a video that runs for about 45 minutes.

The material goes into great detail. My friends say that it works best for people who are relatively educated, are interested in faith in Jesus or have started to follow Jesus. The audio track in Arabic with subtitles in other languages may limit its acceptance and effectiveness with non-Arab Muslims. 

"A few of us have used it in small groups - some educated Iranians. But most others have used it with individuals - Iraqis, Lebanese and Somalis....", says my friend in Australia.

The Alpha Program(click) has been around for a while but may be a possibility for westernized Muslims or the ones done with Islam. A friend like this part of an on-line group study recently prayed 'the sinner's prayer' after one of the early lessons. PTL. Similar possibilities exist for going through the Jesus film(click) together.

My suggestions:
1. Most people who come to faith have had a Christian befriending them first. Build genuine friendships with Muslims first before pursuing a Bible study.
2. You may want to shorten the plan for an Al Massira lesson as my Aussie friend has done.
3. From my experience with 'Discovery Bible studies' with a group of Muslim couples, its better to study one-on-one. Individuals will be more open than in a group.
4. For experienced Bible teachers not content with 'everyone's answer is ok' in Discovery Bible studies, I suggest a more in-depth follow-up series listed on the website or using your own.

As good as these are, we must remember that our primary focus is on Muslims, not the Method. While God has set apart dear brothers and sisters to develop these materials, ultimately we are to focus on the heart of the Muslim.

Evangelism and Discipleship has been reclaimed for the lay person! Enjoy your study with Muslim friends!

Thank-you Lord for these resources. Holy Spirit, illumine and speak to those who study your word. Amen.