
  1. Muslims won’t want to hear about Christ and salvation.
Many Muslims are open to talking about Christ(Isa al Masih). He is mentioned or referred to about 90 times in the Qur’an. Muslims' concept of salvation is based on the Scales—weighing Good deeds and Bad deeds. This theme is very dominant in their everyday thinking. Fulfilling the 5 pillars of Islam and doing righteous deeds are hoped in to reduce the time in purgatory(Hell). Qur'an 19:71-72 BUT “…He(Jesus) had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

2. Muslims can easily come into church and hear the Gospel message.
  Yes, they can but they’d be crossing many barriers to come into a church building. They are told     that to even question Islam will send them to Hell and that Islam is the last and best religion.  Normally it will still take a Christian to take the initiative to befriend a Muslim and share the Good News. There are exceptions when a Muslim comes to the West on a search for Truth. Many are coming here disillusioned with Islam. They won't become believers by osmosis! “…And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14

3. Muslims are having dreams and visions about Jesus and getting saved.
  Yes, we have personally heard the dreams Muslims are having about Jesus. This truly is awesome. As Easterners, they are wired for the supernatural and view all dreams as being from God. Muslims have a high regard for Jesus--the one who heals the sick and raises people from the dead. I have yet to hear that Muslims have understood the plan of salvation laid out in scripture through a dream. A dream is like a flag waving to get their attention. I believe God shows his mercy by sending spiritual dreams. But God didn't just send a dream or a book, he sent Jesus. Now we are the human link to show and explain the rest of the story. "The Word became human and lived here on earth among us..." John 1:14

   4. Muslims are argumentative and I don’t think I can counter their arguments.
Most Muslims are relational. If you concentrate on Friendship first, you will be listened to respectfully. We very seldom hear the ‘big’ objections. Muslims are told not to associate with non-believers. Qur’an 5:51. So, it’s a miracle when a friendship with a Muslim thrives. There is not much point in discussing differences in our beliefs until our friend is reading the Injil(NT). The Word of God is very powerful. Muslims are drawn to the message of God’s love clearly communicated in the Injil(NT). “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love…” Romans 8:38

  5. Muslims have enough truth in the Qur’an to be saved and go to heaven.
The Gospel is specific on how to be right with God—it is not of good works but by grace. Our belief is based on God’s promises and the price paid...the ultimate sacrifice and death of Jesus and his resurrection, both denied in the Qur’an. In Islam there is no assurance of heaven—it remains ‘inshallah’. There is no Savior. Qur’an 46:9. BUT “For by grace you are saved, it is a gift of God…” Ephesians 2:8 Many Muslims are responding to Christ’s invitation to “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

  6. Someone who speaks the Muslim’s language and is from his culture can do a better job at sharing Christ with Muslims.
That may be true but it does not absolve the Christian of his responsibility to reach out to his neighbour, friend, or colleague. The Bible clearly instructs us to be witnesses(Acts 1:8) and make disciples(Matt. 28:19, 20). We see it more as teamwork—we do our part and if there is someone from the Muslim’s language group who loves the Lord, we try to involve that person as well. “Go ye therefore…” Matthew 28:19

  7. If I marry a Muslim, I can still raise my children as I’d like to.
 If a man is marrying a Muslim woman, he would normally be required to become a Muslim before he is allowed to marry. A Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim wife with the condition that the children be raised Muslim. A Christian will spare himself or herself a lot of grief associated with interfaith marriage by not marrying a Muslim. If the Muslim says he is only nominal Muslim, there may be others in the family that will put pressure on to raise the children Muslim. Once marriage takes place, the expectations rise. “Be not unequally yoked...  2 Corinthians 6:14

8. I'm too old, too poor, too young, too simple, too uneducated, too disabled... Amazing that God has a mission for each of us. Remember how Moses wanted Aaron to speak to Pharoah because he stuttered? We are all dependent on God's help and sustaining power. I can't help but be reminded of a Sudanese grandma who was part of a prayer group. Even though she was hard of hearing, she flowed like a river in prayer. God's wants us available to minister--some in unique ways. "Pardon me, my Lord, " Gideon replied, "but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." Judges 6:15