Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mom in their Hearts

"Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the child of her womb? Even if these forget, yet I will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15

Half a dozen Saudi students came to my Conversation Group. It was the week before Mother's Day. So, the question came up "How will you honor your mother?" One of the men piped up and said "Every day is Mother's Day for us!" "So what do you miss about your mom?" I asked. They expressed various things like delicious meals and other practical things moms typically do for their kids. One of them said "I love to spend time with my mom in the kitchen as she cooks. I'm going to buy her a diamond ring when I return home."

Joy writes about typical sentiments Muslim men have about their moms on her last week's blog post titled "Giving Cards for Mother's Day"  

“Abdul brought out a tattered notebook and started reading some flowery poems he had composed about his mother.  I didn’t hear any poems about his wife; just his mother whom he obviously felt close to. There was no embarrassment as he read his poems to us in his language. I wondered if his beautiful wife hearing the poems wished he would compose some endearing poem about her.

Eastern mothers are unbelievably sacrificial in their love for their children; especially their sons. I've heard many glowing remarks about mothers from Muslim men and women. Islam and the culture esteem motherhood…Mother’s Day is an excellent time to speak into their lives and also to share how God’s heart is like a mother’s, full of unconditional love and tenderness. Verses like Isaiah 49:15 reveal that truth. Such sharing often sounds unfamiliar but attractive to them. It is a time, also, when Muslims and Christians experience a common bond. We each have had a mother and many of us have become mothers. Even if someone has not married or is unable to have children we can be like a mother in a nurturing sense with someone else.”

With our independent lifestyles, western men can learn from the commitment between a Muslim young man and his mother. We can affirm this quality in our Muslim friend's life. I have a Canadian friend who excelled in how he cared for his ageing mother right until the day she passed away. 

Muslim men can benefit from our demonstration of what a loving Christian marriage looks like. While away from the home we show fidelity that comes with love, respect and commitment to our wife. When in the home, we can demonstrate sharing the load of taking care of the house and the family. We are in it together. Probably what speaks loudest is when I serve my wife when we extend hospitality to a Muslim family. That's the least I can do with my limited cooking skills!!

Theodore Roosevelt is reported to have said "Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care."

Dear Heavenly Father, we marvel at your unconditional love for us. Please allow us to demonstrate our love and commitment to those closest to us and also extend it to others that you have put us together with. Amen. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018


"...anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun." 2 Corinthians 5:17.

We delivered a bulb to a believer couple. It looked like a turnip. The box indicated the bulb would yield gorgeous colorful flowers! For the believer it's a picture of 'new life in Christ' and growth.

In Islam, there is no sense of growing, only greater compliance to the rules of Islam. In Christ...connected to the Holy Spirit there will be growth in ", joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22.

Remember Kamal from a previous post? While he responded to an invitation to follow Christ quite quickly, there was a problem...he wasn't convinced that God exists! Where do you start? I spent time with Kamal and we worked through some 'proofs' for God's existence--the amazing design of the universe, logically there has to be a designer, existence of moral laws, changed lives of believers, etc.

He is now reading the Bible. I gave him a quick tour. I showed him where to find the 'Tauret'(Torah), 'Zabour'/'Mazameer'(Pslams), and the 'Injil'(NT), names familiar to all Muslims. I suggested he start reading from the first book of the OT and with John in the NT. For comfort and encouragement to turn to the Psalms. I set the example by sharing something the Holy Spirit is teaching me from my daily reading of God's word. I want him to recognize His voice and direction as he reads.

Old Testament stories lay a foundation of the attributes of God for Kamal. He can see how sin entered the world and spread its evil effects on the whole world. Kamal already understands that there is salvation only in Jesus. He is encouraged by the pictures (click) of salvation through the whole Bible starting with Noah's ark. Lots of good stuff!

Kamal starts off praying in baby steps. He is learning a new kind of praying. "The main purpose of prayer is not to make life easier, not to gain magical powers, but to know God." writes Philip Yancy. I should add...and not to gain merit with God. My testimony of answered prayer bolsters his faith. I want to demonstrate faith-filled praying, not just 'safe' prayers.

I remember clearly one of the men who taught me God's truths was a passionate follower of Jesus. I forget what all he taught me but will never forget his love for the Lord and his desire to make Christ known. It went to my heart. Our western evangelical methods of discipleship are usually strong in truth--its about the head. This may or may not travel down to the heart.

Discipleship of busy believer guys is sometimes like 'mini-refueling stops'. While not ideal, I've often met in Coffee Shops for a brief reading and prayer with believers. Kamal is super busy. So, I have snatches of time to befriend, study, and pray. It gives Kamal a chance to also share what he has learned so far. Beyond this, I'm cognizant of believers needing to take time to meet with brothers and sisters--to fellowship and find support in their new 'family'.

Dear Lord, help me to be passionate for you so that Kamal will be encouraged to walk close to you. Amen.