We've been telling our Muslim friends that we are praying for Muslims every day during Ramadan(click)...that God would speak to them.
"I am worried about my family in Yemen." said a distraught friend. We feel for her. Millions of lives are being effected by war. Moments like these are opportunities of promising to pray or to offer a short prayer in their presence.
Jihadist groups have left behind a trail of brutality with thousands dead in their wake. Its mostly Muslims destroying Muslims. So much for Muslims saying that Satan retreats from Muslims during Ramadan! As a result, refugees keep pouring across borders, attempting to cross the Mediterranean at great cost and peril. Several years ago we wrote the following in 'Your Muslim Friend': "Muslims are now residing in all major cities and even in rural areas in the West. Some of them have found western nations to be a safe refuge from the trauma of war and displacement. Those fleeing political and religious persecution are breathing new freedom..."
Once while having a group Bible study we came to Luke 6:27 & 28: "But if you are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Pray for the happiness of those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you..." With that an Afghan man closed the Bible he was holding and said "If this is the teaching of the Injeel, I don't want to study any more." He wasn't ever going to forgive the Taliban who destroyed his life.
What does this mean for us? Since the fighting continues even during Ramadan, we can pray that God would bring peace to these troubled lands. How will Muslims forgive and forget all the atrocities committed against their own people? We know that only Jesus can change hearts and give the strength to forgive. In spite of experiencing shame, injustice and unimaginable cruelty, he prayed "Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing." A few years ago our black American brothers and sisters gave an amazing demonstration of what forgiveness looks like following the horrific shooting of 9 of their own at the Charleston, South Carolina church.
Muslims who have immigrated to the West appreciate the tolerance shown in our society. It causes some to think and dare to ask questions. Why is life easier for us in the West? Why isn't Islam working? Where does all this hate come from? Why do we have to continue to defend Islam as the 'religion of peace'? Sad to say, many Muslims who come to the West are finished with religion and become agnostics and atheists. They are very disillusioned. Its not religion that these dear people need but a relationship with God. He gives comfort, hope, and peace to the ones who are seeking. God has brought Muslims to the West to hear and experience this truth.
Jesus beckons and promises "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Consider the beautiful words, composed by a friend, in Song for Ishmael (click):
"...I am still here
I am listening
I hear your cry Ishmael
Don't give up now,
There is blessing to come.
God provides for you Ishmael..."