Thursday, July 11, 2019

One at a Time

"...wouldn't you leave the ninety-nine others to go and search for the lost one until you found it?" Luke 15:3

Remember Malaysian Flight 370 that disappeared mysteriously over the Indian Ocean a few years ago? A lot of resources went into searching for just 'one plane'

The shepherd in this passage goes looking for just 'one sheep'. When he finds him, there is a party. The Bible has many special references to sheep and shepherds. I watched shepherds in Pakistan, Tunisia, and in Montana. A universal commitment of a good shepherd seems to be that he would be willing to take risks to rescue even 'one sheep'.

God is concerned about each person who hasn't responded to his invitation to come to him. We are told that there will be great rejoicing in heaven when 'one lost person' receives Christ in his heart. Amazing!

This post is written especially for men who may have one Muslim contact. I wrote in 'Your Muslim Friend', "As a man, consider your friendship with a Muslim man has been divinely orchestrated by the Holy Spirit". Has your path recently crossed with a Muslim man at work or in your neighborhood? It is highly possible that this guy has never met a real live Christian. I remember the years that I worked full time and work was often so physically demanding that I didn't have a lot of give at the end of the day. So it came down to this--I'd rather invest in one or a few Muslim friends than just touch the surface with many acquaintances. Investing in one friend when you are working part time or full time is a significant ministry. Bless you for it!

My Muslim friend Ahmed moved from Winnipeg to another city in Canada. I asked my friend Roland who lives in that city if he would have time to befriend him? His immediate response was "Of course, this really seems like it's from God". As a family they have bonded to Ahmed. Roland and his family have included him in many family events--week-ends at the cottage and many tandem bike rides. Roland on one of his consulting trips overseas even visited his family in Palestine and delivered a gift from Ahmed! As a result, the barriers and prejudices against Christians has come right down. This family has truly been a "letter from Christ" that Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 3:3.

You may wonder, how do you take it to the next level? If he is interested in soccer, it's natural to connect with him initially on that level. My friend may just prefer to hang out and talk or go for walks or bike rides. We've taken our friends to church if they are interested, especially at Christmas. Very early on I give lots of clues that God is very important in my life. This sets the stage for future discussions or even praying with him if there is a need.

So, my message to you is 'keep on, keeping on'. I'm confident you are making a difference! 

Dear Jesus, help me to live in the 'now' and seek to befriend and hang in there even with one Muslim contact at a time. May I be a conduit through which you speak to this special man's soul. Amen.