Friday, July 7, 2017

Show up, Speak up, and be Ready

"Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not..." 2 Timothy 4:2

Art and Eleanore  make themselves available to Internationals at several college/universities in their retirement years. I'll let Art explain what happened as they were going about an urgent errand. 

"Emergencies are never planned--they just appear. But our response to the emergency is a measure of our commitment and faith, recognizing that these emergencies are no surprise to God, in fact they are often divine appointments.

My wife was having a medical emergency which necessitated a late evening visit to the hospital.  After the initial treatment we were required to get some medication.  We located a drugstore that remained open after midnight. There were two young men from a limited access country waiting to have a prescription filled.  I asked them what language they were speaking and they said Arabic. I greeted them in Arabic and  asked them if they had a Bible. They said they did, but probably they meant the Qur'an. I went to the car and got a bilingual copy of More than a Carpenter and another book.  We discussed the meaning of the title, that Jesus, although his earthly father was a carpenter, He himself was more than a carpenter.  He claimed to be the Son of God.  When one of the fellows said “I don’t believe that” I replied “You don’t have to but it is true”. My wife gave each one of her cards that has her painting on the front and personal testimony on the back with our contact email. They had to leave, but as they were leaving, they joyfully said goodbye and thanked us for the books and cards.

Why the medical emergency?  Why that particular drugstore at midnight? Why the encounter with those two muslim men?  Those are questions that I can't answer- our responsibility was to show up, speak up and be ready.

One year the Christian university had 95 students from an Arab country.  The challenge for us was finding a way of connecting with them.  A few words of Arabic greeting broke the ice and opened the initial dialogue. Since they were all taking ESL it made total sense to have a bilingual New Testament and also other bilingual books to give to them.  That year we gave out close to 100 Arabic New Testaments and other books. All those students were given an opportunity to explore truth.  One student was very close to becoming a believer, but in the last 'in depth' conversation he expressed his concern about the consequences of that decision. Another student has rejected Islam and accepted reason and is not willing to submit to Christ.

So our ministry continues.  Each time we go on campus we ask God for divine appointments. Our responsibility is to Show up, boldly Speak up and be Ready with materials to give them.  The rest is up to God, who works in their lives by the Holy Spirit to convict, bring to repentance and regeneration."

Dear Jesus, thank you for leading Art and Eleanore to just the right place at the right time to meet the Arabic speakers. I pray that you would continue to speak to these contacts that now have your word and heard a testimony. Amen