Sunday, November 6, 2022


Brother Nathan shared about Ministry to Muslims (click) in Great Britain. We came up with some thoughts about a 'Muslim Background Believer'(Mbb) friendly church.

Once the news gets out that Ahmed, a former Muslim is following Christ and has been baptized, it's 'game-over' for his connections to the wider 'ummah'. He will no longer be invited to Muslim community events like weddings or Eid parties. Ahmed can't even take part in a funeral. His own family will likely desert him because of the unforgiveable shame he has brought on them.

As a result, believers like Ahmed need to belong to a body of 'Christ followers'. Otherwise they will be like spiritual orphans and are left vulnerable.

When Ahmed steps into church, he is crossing huge personal barriers. During his whole life he was told Islam is superior to Christianity. Now he embraces the Good News but wonders if we will accept him. We as believers need to be there to welcome him--the more the merrier. My single Turkish believer friend Eyad has tried visiting churches. When no-one greeted him after a few tries, he gave up. In any fellowship, people who have cultural sensitivity are as good as gold. Like 'attentive waiters' in a restaurant, they anticipate the needs of the Mbb newcomer or a seeker in church and do something about it.

It's helpful if the pastor understands Ahmed's mindset and needs. We normally give our pastor a heads up if a Muslim or a new believer plans to come to church for the first time. Lately, our pastor prepared abbreviated sermon notes. It's easier to guide the visitor to the right passage so he can follow along. We also like to introduce our guest to the pastor. It makes the guest feel special. Mbb's generally look up to a pastor and will very quickly trust one that cares for him. We also sense teamwork between us and the pastor.

I smiled at a line on a resume of a 'not-yet-follower of Christ' who was volunteering at a Salvation Army's food program and described his responsibility there as 'community missionary'! If we apply this to goes a long way to include an Mbb in the community life of the church after it becomes obvious that he is settling there. Once he feels secure, his voice will be heard in sharing times. Ahmed has a new identity now--he is one of us...a child of God. We call him our brother.

My believer friend Qureshi from conservative Pakistan visited 'America' in the summertime. When his host took him to church, he was seated next to a young lady with a very short skirt. The poor guy, he didn't know where to look! As an 'attentive waiter', I'll try to lead Ahmed to a group that normally dresses modestly.

Other distractions include loud music, Bibles lying on the floor or a service being very casual including humor. These are some shocking adjustments the new believer has to make. When we sense that something is going over his head in church, we take the time to explain and fill in the gaps. We try to lead the way for Ahmed to feel at home in the family of God and grow in Christ.

Dear Jesus, thank-you for the opportunity to serve by welcoming new believers. Their presence enriches us. Amen.